72″ x 48″
This photoquilt is based on a picture taken inside the PAES (Physical Activity & Educational Services) building at Ohio State, just inside the Scarlet Skyway, a red glass bridge that connects it to the RPAC. Like in Ohio Star: Scarlet Skyway, the red glass gives every surface a warm pink glow. The overall effect is of jewel tones and shapes. The photos are sewn into a traditional Ohio star quilt pattern. Individual blocks from this quilt, which were completed as part of the design process, have also been framed and displayed (below). These blocks are from the top and bottom row of the quilt, which illustrates just how far the quilt evolves from one end to the other.
Ohio Star photoquilts | Other photoquilts
Ohio Star: PAES block
12″ x 12″
Ohio Star: PAES block
12″ x 12″