Fade to Red


15″ x 21″

This improvisational photoquilt combines a few pieces and parts that I’ve used before: the metallic red rectangles from Red Turn and the thin, mostly white strips that are leftover after photos are printed.  I previously used these strips in Persistence of Winter.

My focus with this photoquilt was balancing the red and the white.  The result is a bit like a photo that’s been zoomed in a thousand times so that each pixel, which had formed a perfect curve, begins to break down and dissolve.  The shapes have some order without seeming patterned, almost like residential plots in a sprawling suburban neighborhood.


Red Turn


20″ x 22″

This photoquilt is a further exploration of improvisational quilting.  Here, I’ve taken a series of red photographs all from the hoods, roofs, and trunks of hot rods at various car shows, and cut them into squares and rectangles and further into circles.

The metallic shine of the paint creates surprising depth and the circles seem to start to make a pattern within the squares without ever completely resolving themselves.  This represents a fairly radical departure from traditional quilt patterns, which I find to be very compelling.